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Words To Live By: “Do More With Less” Efficiency is the hallmark of a good recruiter

By Sureeporn ‘Pui’ Thumvachiraporn, JacksonGrant Director of Customer Success

We’ve painted motivational quotes on the walls of our office at JacksonGrant. The slogan "Do More with Less" appeals to me the most. In today's fast-paced world, effective time management is a crucial skill. It is especially relevant to recruiting.

Use Your Time Wisely

Speed is important: recruiting is race, and the most efficient recruiter will win. Recruiters are in constant competition with other agencies to find the best short-list candidates.

Richard Jackson, our managing director, wants us all to work more efficiently so that we spend less time searching for candidates, and more time closing placements. If a recruiter knows exactly what kind of candidate we need to find, and if the job description is precisely written, it will save time sorting through candidate resumès.

If we narrow down the pool of target resumes, we may short-list fewer candidates than the competition. But if we are confident that we have three or four really strong candidates who are qualified for the position and a good fit for the client, that’s enough.

By narrowing the field, we save time on every job search. That is time saved for the recruiter, for our company, and the client. By working more efficiently in this way, we’ll have more time to search for other positions, and by year’s end we will place more candidates. Efficient work habits have a cumulative effect, and ultimately lead to greater success.

How to Work More Efficiently

The “Do More With Less” philosophy encourages us to find ways to increase productivity without burning ourselves out. Here are a four practical techniques to help you become more efficient and organised.

  • Make a To-Do List:

One of the most fundamental techniques for efficient time management is composing a to-do list. Write down the tasks you need to accomplish each day and allocate specific time slots for each task. This simple practice helps prioritise the most urgent tasks, and identify the jobs that need immediate attention. For tasks that require a significant amount of time, consider breaking them down into smaller, more manageable segments.

  •  Focus on Your Strengths:

Begin your day by tackling tasks that align with your strengths and interests. You will complete these tasks more quickly, and it will build momentum with a feeling of satisfaction. Once you've successfully completed the items that fall within your comfort zone, you'll find that you have more time and mental energy to tackle more challenging endeavours. This step-by-step approach keeps you motivated and boosts overall productivity.

  • Prioritise Important Tasks:

The most urgent and important tasks must be prioritised above all others. Dedicate your full attention, energy, and time to the most critical aspects of your job. Focusing our efforts can lead to significant achievements and positive changes in your work habits. Start your day by tackling high-priority matters and leaving less crucial items for later. This way, we ensure that we handle our most important responsibilities when we are fresh and most focused.

  •  Utilise Technology for Greater Efficiency:

Embrace technology! It’s a valuable tool to organise and manage our workload. Calendars, task management apps, and other digital tools can significantly streamline your workflow. Set reminders and use automated features to make sure nothing is overlooked. This tech-savvy approach helps you stay on top of your responsibilities and allocates your time effectively.

Work Smarter

Productivity isn't solely about working harder, it's about working smarter. If you work smarter, you can still have time for yourself, and achieve a healthier work-life balance.

The "Do More with Less" approach helps us set priorities: leverage your strengths, tackle important tasks first, and utilise technology to increase efficiency. By incorporating these straightforward techniques into your routine, you can strike a balance between professional success and a fulfilling personal life.

True success lies in effective work, not just hard work. Prioritise wisely, and you will see a significant boost in your productivity levels.

Do you need help filling an important role with your company? We can help with all your recruitment needs. Please reach out to me